We Supply


We are a stocking distributor for all the brands preferred by large contractors on major projects. As your primary supplier of products, we supply everything a construction worker wears, holds, and consumes throughout their day.

Tools and Accessories

We stock an extensive inventory of the tools you need on your job.

Safety and Personal Protective Equipment

We strive to deliver comfortable, well-designed personal protective equipment.

Welding Supplies

Our welding supply offering includes both the brands you trust, and also many value-tested products at competitive prices.

Rigging and Hoists

Rely on P&I to stock the rigging products you need to complete your project in a timely manner.

Maintenance Repair and Operations Supplies

P&I Supply carries a wide array of general construction supplies to assist on your jobsite.

Online Orders

We provide a robust, comprehensive online commerce system that is available to our large customers with 95% fill rates for all contract items same day / next day. Our online store furnishes access to product accessories, contract pricing, product availability, data sheets, and specifications. You can even order with your own part numbers.

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